Dr. Strangeland or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Taiwan


Am I a dullard?

Finally a good Batman movie!!

Went to see Batman Begins last night and I was not disappointed. Although, I did go in with very very small expectations. After Joel Schumacher's butchering of the Dark Knight it was refreshing to see a director like Christopher Nolan take the franchise in a new artistic direction.

Having said that I do have some questions.

It has been stated that this film is a break from the previous franchise. It is a restart. That would explain some inaccuracies between this film and the previous 4. As I watched I was confused a few times over what the real facts were. Guess I'll have to go back to the original comics to get the facts straight.

My second and larger question is (and Dave maybe you could answer this) Does Hollywood assume we're idiots? I mean seriously. Are we, the movie going public, challenged in some way that we don't know about? Take, for example, Mission: Impossible II. Mission: Impossible was such a complex string of plots and subplots that many people didn't like it and said that it was too confusing. So, for the sequel they made a movie with no twists turns or bumps, because, I guess we are just THAT stupid.

There are plenty of examples in Hollywood history where we are reminded again, and again, AND again of a key point of object. Take, for example, any High School comedy. Student A will tell his friends about how important it is that he not forget his: wallet, bag, book, card, keys because if he does he will never: get the girl, get the job, get the grade, get the car, blah blah blah. Then as Student A leaves his home we see his: wallet, bag, book, card, keys on the kitchen table. The camera will slowly pan down, shift focus, and zoom in on the oh-so-important object and will remain there for a beat or two. WHY???!!! Are there honestly some people who would not see it? Are they so blind that they need to have the object rubber in their face? Bah, it makes me sick.

My one big complaint about Batman was the constant reminder of an all important fact. There was a subtle hint at the beginning of the movie. And then puzzle pieces were put into place slowly and surely. Then once all the puzzle pieces were fitted together, I was then treated to a barrage of reminders of what the puzzle looked like. The first reminder was tolerable. The second was humorous. The third was laughable. The fourth annoying. The fifth insulting. The final one just plain too far!!

Watch for yourself and see them drive the point home, over and over and over and over and over


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