What pisses me off?
A wise person once said that a personal website is a very self-involved place. I guess that is true. I mean how arrogant of me to think that there are people who will flock here everyday to see what lil' ol' me has to say.
But, at the same time, since this is my website, I figured I would give a little more perspective on me.
Here it is.
Things That Piss Me Offa list by Mike Carron
1. Jazz music - I don't know why, but I don't even believe that this can be catagorized as "music". I know some people love it, and that is their perogative. I just find that it gives me a headache. the squeeling and the syncopated rhythms just grate my spine like tinfoil on my teeth.
2. Politically Correct Idiots -
I mean, what a way to ruin a perfectly good song or movie or TV show. Take, for example, the Black Eyed Peas song "Let's Get Retarded." What a great song that is. From the first time I heard it, I couldn't get the chorus out of my head. Then, one day, one black cold day, I was watching Much Music and the video for "Let's Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas. "Strange," I thought, "Why would they have two very similar titles off of the same album?" Then I heard the song and thought, "hmmm, maybe I have been singing it wrong all this time." Then I realized (with anger) that they had changed the lyics to a more PC/acceptable phrase. But let me ask you: What's wrong with saying "Let's get retarded in here"? I think it is great imagery. If I go to a party and someone says "Dude, this party is gettin' retarded." I know he means that there is just a whole lotta Rump Shakin' Booty Bouncin' Wall Bangin'Head Tossin' Bass Thumpin'. When I hear that song I think of a party so "off the hook" that the neighbors are calling the police every fifteen minutes.
I don't picture a bunch of people with disabilities and lower than normal brain function running around. And I am sure that's not what the group intended either. Although, it would be great if they did.
I'm so choked that this is a taboo word. I think that gay should be brought back as a descriptive adjective. I know it is the label of an alternative lifestyle and that's fine. But to properly describe some things this is the only word that fits.
Take, for example, the movie Titanic. It has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I could go on for hours and hours about what was wrong technically and artistically with it. But to save you the time and headache I will just say this: It's gay.
If I ask a friend what they think about something, and they tell me it's gay. Then I know what they mean. I don't need an explanation. That one word sums it all up for me.
3. George Lucas
That's right. I hate George Freakin' Lucas. I think he is a pompus ass. Why can't he leave well enough alone. First he had to digitally remaster them. Which if you look close means you can see the fact that the ships are cels being pulled across a star field. Then he had to add new footage that was distracting and unnecessary. THEN, he had to create JarJarBinks. Then he had to say that he wouldn't put them out on DVD. Now that he is putting it out on DVD he has to change even more of the films. The movies that I'm talking about are, of course, Star Wars Eps. I II III. Why did he have to have Greedo shoot first? Why did he have to change the actors to match those in the new trilogy? Does he honestly think this matters?
What if every director starts doing this? are we going to start seeing remasters and changes of "Forbidden Planet" and such classics as "Reefer Madness"? I sure as hell hope not.
Alright that's enough bitching for today. See you later.
But, at the same time, since this is my website, I figured I would give a little more perspective on me.
Here it is.
Things That Piss Me Offa list by Mike Carron
1. Jazz music - I don't know why, but I don't even believe that this can be catagorized as "music". I know some people love it, and that is their perogative. I just find that it gives me a headache. the squeeling and the syncopated rhythms just grate my spine like tinfoil on my teeth.
2. Politically Correct Idiots -
I mean, what a way to ruin a perfectly good song or movie or TV show. Take, for example, the Black Eyed Peas song "Let's Get Retarded." What a great song that is. From the first time I heard it, I couldn't get the chorus out of my head. Then, one day, one black cold day, I was watching Much Music and the video for "Let's Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas. "Strange," I thought, "Why would they have two very similar titles off of the same album?" Then I heard the song and thought, "hmmm, maybe I have been singing it wrong all this time." Then I realized (with anger) that they had changed the lyics to a more PC/acceptable phrase. But let me ask you: What's wrong with saying "Let's get retarded in here"? I think it is great imagery. If I go to a party and someone says "Dude, this party is gettin' retarded." I know he means that there is just a whole lotta Rump Shakin' Booty Bouncin' Wall Bangin'Head Tossin' Bass Thumpin'. When I hear that song I think of a party so "off the hook" that the neighbors are calling the police every fifteen minutes.
I don't picture a bunch of people with disabilities and lower than normal brain function running around. And I am sure that's not what the group intended either. Although, it would be great if they did.
I'm so choked that this is a taboo word. I think that gay should be brought back as a descriptive adjective. I know it is the label of an alternative lifestyle and that's fine. But to properly describe some things this is the only word that fits.
Take, for example, the movie Titanic. It has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I could go on for hours and hours about what was wrong technically and artistically with it. But to save you the time and headache I will just say this: It's gay.
If I ask a friend what they think about something, and they tell me it's gay. Then I know what they mean. I don't need an explanation. That one word sums it all up for me.
3. George Lucas
That's right. I hate George Freakin' Lucas. I think he is a pompus ass. Why can't he leave well enough alone. First he had to digitally remaster them. Which if you look close means you can see the fact that the ships are cels being pulled across a star field. Then he had to add new footage that was distracting and unnecessary. THEN, he had to create JarJarBinks. Then he had to say that he wouldn't put them out on DVD. Now that he is putting it out on DVD he has to change even more of the films. The movies that I'm talking about are, of course, Star Wars Eps. I II III. Why did he have to have Greedo shoot first? Why did he have to change the actors to match those in the new trilogy? Does he honestly think this matters?
What if every director starts doing this? are we going to start seeing remasters and changes of "Forbidden Planet" and such classics as "Reefer Madness"? I sure as hell hope not.
Alright that's enough bitching for today. See you later.
I agree with everything you've written here. Well, except the stuff about jazz. I like jazz. Mmm. Jazz.
Anyway, hope you're doing well. I'm sitting here watching Stephanie root through the new bag of grapes we bought at Safeway, to make sure there are no spiders in there.
Seems that there have been a few Black Widow Spiders found in bags of grapes in the city.
This has caused her no end of fear. Ah well. Such is life.
Kyle, at 7:09 p.m.
Hey Mike, Mike Carron, Rogers, Arkansas here. Found you by searching for my name. Isn't it odd how many Mike Carron's there are in the world. Maybe we should start a club. And all this time I thought I was unique. So far, you and me... a rather enlightend bunch if two is a large enough sample.
Anonymous, at 12:57 p.m.
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