Dr. Strangeland or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Taiwan


What would you do?

If you go back to August 27th you will remember that I mentioned a water crisis in my county in Taiwan.

As of this afternoon I had water, but no water pressure. This meant that showering was letting a slow trickle of water fall onto my body while I vigorously scrubbed off the soap.

Tonight after work I came home to discover that there was no more water. Louise and I headed out to a grocery store to see if they had any water. They didn't have any 5 litre bottles left but for 5 bucks I was able to get a case of bottled water. So I bought two cases and returned home.

This water is multipurpose:
- Flushing poo
- Showering
- Cooking
- Drinking

The plan was to use a facecloth and sponge-bathe myself, but then on the way home I was struck with a rare moment of ingenuity. I figured out how to make a shower using a hammer and nail. These are two pictures of my new shower.

Impromptu shower 1

Impromptu shower 2

They say that the crisis will last another 5 days. I hope it doesn't last longer cause it's getting a little crazy. Hotels are charging like 25 dollars an hour (triple the usual rate) 'cause they know people want to go so that they can shower. And swimming pools have doubled their price to let people go in to use the changeroom showers. I'll update you as the water shortage goes on.


  • my advice is save drinking your own pee as an absolute last resort. that's what snow shoe hares do in the winter time.

    By Blogger bubba, at 9:42 p.m.  

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