Dr. Strangeland or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Taiwan


It's 5:00am. I'm on Kho Sahn road in Bangkok.

Adrian and I have been changing our travel plans faster than underwear. The first plan was a 16 day trip including a visit to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and possibly one more city in Malaysia. But Thailand ran out of zest for us. We'd been there done that so we decided to bump our trip short by 4 days and head home on the 5th. We went to the travel agent and checked prices and availability on busses to KL and a flight from Singapore to Bangkok. Unfortunately there was a wee bit of a financial disagreement between the ticket price and what we were willing to pay. So, instead of burning oursleves and our bank accounts out, we decided that KL and Singapore can be done on a weekend jaunt. So we again changed our tickets to Feb. 2nd.

We will spend Saturday in Bangkok shopping at the big weekend market and we will fly home on Sunday. This isn't a bad thing since we have both enjoyed the trip and this gives us an opportunity to travel around Taiwan and see where we live for a few days. Since I have never been south of Chung Li I may head to the beach in Kenting (the very southern tip).

That's all for now. The next update will be from Taiwan.


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